Our History • Ecrotek

Our History

Ecrotek Ltd was formed in April 2015 as a merger between Ecroyd Beekeeping Supplies and Beetek, the two leading suppliers in the New Zealand Beekeeping industry.

The Ecroyd family has been involved in the supply of beekeeping equipment and honey products since Stuart’s grandfather started making comb foundation in 1913. Stuart’s father, Kevin Ecroyd took over the company from his father in 1958, and was involved until 1987 when Stuart took over part of the company.

Beetek, a specialist manufacturer of plastic hive wear, was founded in the early 2000's by Ray Duncan, and acquired by Dave Wrathall in early 2013. Beetek was the leader in the supply of plastic products into the industry, and operated from South Auckland until the merger.

The merged company, Ecrotek, combines the strengths of both businesses to create the biggest supplier of beekeeping equipment in New Zealand. Ecrotek has warehousing and distribution in both the North and South Islands, and beekeepers are able to purchase products from the retail stores in both locations, and through this website.

Kevin Ecroyd, 13, beekeeping with his dad, Arthur, in January 1942
Kevin Ecroyd, 13, beekeeping with his dad, Arthur, in January 1942
  • 1913 Commenced making comb foundation by the old original dipping method (“EBS” was born)
  • 1920 Resumed manufacture of foundation by the much improved Dittmar process, or slab method
  • 1931 Installed latest Weed Process for manufacture of comb foundation
  • 1932 After finding old method of wax refining quite inadequate, installed filtration method of refining, with a much improved product Bleaching of beeswax attempted at about this time, and first sale made to a local chemist
  • 1947 Kevin Ecroyd started working with his father in the business
  • 1955 (May) The Alliance Bee Supplies Co Ltd was purchased in Dunedin
  • 1955 (Dec) The Alliance Bee Supplies was moved to Sawyers Arms Rd, CHCH
  • 1958 A Ecroyd & Son Ltd was moved from Thornton St to Sawyers Arms Rd
  • 1958 Kevin took over the running of the company from his father
  • 1975 Stuart started helping & working at the factory in weekends and holidays
  • 1983 At age 19 Stuart joined the family business full time in administration
  • 1987 Beeswax and Woodware divisions were sold & moved
  • 1987 Stuart Ecroyd Bee Supplies started in Sheffield Crescent
  • 1990 Ray Duncan establishes Beetek to manufacture plastic hive ware for the NZ beekeeping industry
  • 1993 Name changed to Ecroyd Beekeeping Supplies Ltd
  • 2012 Stuart attended his 30th consecutive Annual NBA Beekeepers Conference
  • 2013 Ecroyd Beekeeping Supplies Ltd celebrates its centenary
  • 2013 Dave Wrathall acquires Beetek; EBS becomes Beetek’s distributor in the South Island
  • 2015 Ecroyd and Beetek merge to become Ecrotek
  • 2017 Ecrotek establishes an office and warehouse in Australia
  • 2020 Ecrotek launches myHumm (honey testing service) in partnership with Gribbles labnet
  • 2021 Ecrotek launches Bioforme (the worlds first plant based frame)
  • 2023 Ecrotek starts manufacturing in Australia.
Arthur Ecroyd (Stuarts grandfather) beekeeping in January 1942
Arthur Ecroyd (Stuarts grandfather) beekeeping in January 1942



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