Learn • Ecrotek


Keeping ahead of all the ins and outs of beekeeping

Learning Centre Introduction

If you ask a group of beekeepers a question, you are likely to get many different answers. We aim to provide you with the building blocks you will need for your beekeeping experience. If you have ever wondered how to start beekeeping, or what beekeeping involves, our learning centre is designed to help you understand the practicalities of becoming a beekeeper, and help you out along the way.

From our new Learning Centre you can find your nearest bee club, check out where you can get a beekeeping qualification, read articles, view videos, see what’s happening in the industry and more!

What to do this month

What to do in September

  • Apply treatments.

  • Remember to rotate your varroa treatment to manage resistance.

  • Check all brood frames for American Foulbrood.

  • Continue feeding pollen supplements and sugar syrup if necessary.

  • Hives can be split late in the month or when drones are present.

  • Unite any weak or queenless hives with stronger queenright hives.

Latest Video

16 Oct 2018

Trevs Bees - Apitraz, Honey Bee Varroa Treatment

Beekeeping in New Zealand, for hobbyists and light commercials.

You can discover here a large selection of Beekeeping videos created by Trev, talking about the following topics:

  • Interviews and instructional tips
  • Product reviews
  • Everything about equipment, extraction, queen rearing etc.

All these videos are proudly sponsored by Ecrotek.

Discover all our videos



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